Legislation You Should Be Made Aware of Passed and Supported by the Democrat Party of Illinois
HB 5239 facilitates sex trafficking by prohibiting cooperation with other state agencies and law enforcement that seek to impose civil/criminal liabilities on someone transporting a person across state lines for an abortion.
HB 4895 mandates the controversial teaching of “climate change” in spite of the fact that 68.4% of Illinois students DO NOT meet proficiency standards in reading and 73.3% in math.
HB 5507 allows Illinoisans to get a court “finding of the fact” to bring to another state or country in order to change the gender of their birth certificate.
SB 2644 establishes a state-wide electronic registry for end-of-life directives.
SB 2872 allows “relaxation” activities in schools. Many of the activities mentioned are religious traditions of Buddhism, Jainism, and Hindu Darshana.
SB 2412 put 3 advisory referenda on the November 5th ballot, thereby eliminating the citizen-initiated Parental Rights initiative.
HB 1286 legalized co-ed multiple-occupancy in public bathrooms.
SB 1909 allows Attorney General to investigate and fine pregnancy care centers up to $50K for ads and information that conflicts with the views.
SB 1344 mandates abortifacient and transgender hormone therapy coverage in all insurance policies.
SB 1463 removes all fines, penalties, fees for those 18 and younger who break the law.
HB 3751 allows a non-citizen to become a police officer.
HB 370 repealed Parental Notification of Abortion law so that a 13-yr-old girl can get an abortion without their parent’s knowledge.
SB 818 mandates LGBTQ sex ed beginning in kindergarten.
HB 156 put tampons in boys bathrooms.
HB1063 removed criminal offense of knowingly transmitting HIV.
SB 25 allows abortion up until birth; eliminated safety inspections at abortion clinics; allows non-physicians to do medical/chemical abortions; removed requirements for babies born alive